October 22nd, 2013
On Thursday morning Miller Systems founder and CEO Seth Miller led a panel of seasoned marketing professionals at FutureM 2013 in a session titled “Future of ‘Freemium’: Driving Business or Out of Business.”
From software to journalism, consumers and business leaders expect so much for free. It’s disrupting business models and forcing producers to shift to higher-value/highly-differentiated niches, or switch to other monetization models, such as selling off user data or hocking ads. When the expectation is “free and cheap,” how do you market premium offerings that will sustain a business model?
October 26th, 2012
On Tuesday afternoon Miller Systems founder and CEO Seth Miller led a panel of seasoned marketing professionals at FutureM 2012 in a session titled “The End of Depth? Marketing Complex Services and Products.” The discussion explored the challenges and opportunities inherent in the high-frequency / short burst world of social communication and marketing, especially as products and services become increasingly difficult to sum up in a few words.